Originally Posted by Hastings
Originally Posted by 10gaugemag
So the hand saw the wolves on the calf and didn't get at least 1 killed??
That dude would be hunting a new job.
Anyone owning cattle needs to keep a rifle at hand at ALL times. In 30 years as a game warden I never once charged or even looked into a man killing predators for harassing livestock. A lot of predators went from outlaw status to protected during my lifetime.

The black vulture is one of the worst on newborn calves, goats, etc., or they will eat the backend out of a cow in labor. There used to always be a few around, now with protection the population has boomed. 50 will surround a cow and newborn calf.
Problem is most cannot keep their lips sealed when they do have to do something.

The last time that bear ate a lawyer he had the runs for 33 days!