LNF like I said I agree that The world would be a better place if we had Deserts in even half of their historic range. It's not impossible( AZ has done a good job) but in reality not gonna happen. Sounds Like you have some schooling, I also have the same degree as The black and blue guys. We all know introducing exotics is never good for an ecosystem, but(big but) in this case, might(big might) fill a niche that provides more opportunity(I hate that word) for hunters. The best thing for Deserts would have been to never have introduced the exotics, but even then they would still have to compete with the sheep ranchers, who typically have more clout in the political arena.
I also agree NMDGF usually have their Heads in their rears, but can you imagine the public outcry if they started arial gunning these animals. Santa Rosa Island is bad, this would be huge!

As far as lions and predator/prey relationships I have some problems with that. Like it or not WE have changed the ecosystem. Again in a perfect world there would be a balance but there is not. Get rid of the sheep and the already decimated deer herd(native) will take the brunt of it. That country down there is rough very little snow, it would take a bunch of good dry ground houndsmen(another dying breed) to really cut numbers. If you went in there and leg snared a bunch they'd be bichin that we're killing all the lions.

Any way you look at it, IT'S ALL F'ED!!!!!!!Might as well just enjoy the damned exotics!!!

Hope that didn't come off as argumantative or butt hurt. That's not how I meant it. I've enjoyed our "thought provoking conversation"!


"I used to be a tired hunting guide, now I'm just a re-tired hunting guide"

"No eternal reward will forgive us now, for wasting the dawn" JM
