Nice set-up Paul. I keep mine as is 'cuz I took the droptube from the Lyman 55 BP measure and put that in my field box. I amcurrently rigging up a way to compress the powder without having need for a press or die. The oldtimers loaded ALL of their ammunition in the field and were partial to PP bullets. Lube. Sharpsguy doesn't lube his patches and he rolls them dry. I like the wet wrap as I use a very high cotton bond paper that stretches nicel when wet without tearing giving a tight firm wrap. The patch lube is a good idea for field ammunition here (and in Newfoundland is was NECCESSARY) because it keeps further moisture from destroying the patch.

Be afraid,be VERY VERY afraid
ad triarios redisse
My Buddy eh76 speaks authentic Frontier Gibberish!
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