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On the color Q I'd say that for the most part it depends on what part of the state we're talking about as we have pods of the state that have more of this or that and so on.

But to put a # on it I'd say the % would be black 60 to 40 some color for the most part. I rarely see one that has a white chevron but do from time to time.

And my experience has been that for the most part the truly big bruins have been black tip to tip not that we've not found some good colored ones.

Once again it depends on what part of the state I'm hunting but I do see some blondes (bruins) but most of them are about the size of cocker spaniels..(I feel that they change colors as they mature but could be totally full of bear apples on that)


"True respect starts with the way you treat others, and it is earned over a lifetime of demonstrating kindness, honor and dignity"....Tony Dungy