Originally Posted by mjbgalt
if i asked for a gun and you refused to order it, i would walk out and never come back again. your job is to sell me a gun, not be Obama and tell me what i REALLY want.

I missed this fr some reason back when it was posted... But the ATR has come back up and I need to respond to this comment...

I transfer guns for friends for free. If you decide not to inconvenience me because of your own horrible taste I can live with that! wink

Gene L asked why I refuse to deal with Mossberg and that is simply because they sponsored Buck McNeeley and refused to dump him even after Buck got popped for same day airborne caribou hunting here in AK. After it was pointed out how Buck was spinning a Mossberg shotgun muzzle into a concrete pad while talking to the audience they refused to even respond... And there are other reasons atop the junk factor.

Mark Begich, Joaquin Jackson, and Heller resistance... Three huge reasons to worry about the NRA.