Originally Posted by boltman
Gene - did you see this link from Gary:


It shows the mechanism quite well. They state this is the first magazine of its type. One wonders if Arthur Savage handled a blake rifle at one time. I think Blakes came into production in 1892 - so right in the vicinity of the Savage .30/40 prototype I believe. And, curiously enough, in .30/40.

Steve, If you scroll up from the Blake article there is on on the new Savage rifle. I wonder if those two fellas knew each other.

Looking through the rest of the magazine, above the savage article are some photos of the displays at the sportsmans show.

Father down in the ads are ads for spencers and Blakes, What a time to be a gun crank out east.

"We're all going to have so much [bleep] fun we'll need plastic surgery to remove our god damn smiles." - Clark Griswold

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