Originally Posted by Barak
Originally Posted by Mannlicher
the only upside of this mess is that it makes hussein and hillary look like the azz wipes they really are.


It seems the major upshot of all of this is, "Look, folks, politicians and political appointees are small-minded, vicious, corrupt, vacuous idiots."

It sure makes the government squeal, along with a hearty helping of the government worshippers here at the Campfire; but seriously, folks, who among us here didn't already know that?

You [bleep]' retarded dumbass...

It ain't about politicians, or the .gov, it's about putting American service personnel and citizens lives NEEDLESSLY at risk; about putting the lives of those that they work with to secure and defend freedom at risk.

Of course, seeing that would require your brain-damaged head not be completely up your cowardly ass.