Originally Posted by Barak

I'll say further that he did the right thing.

I can't buy that. He is/was a soldier, sworn to obey the lawful orders of his superiors. Those lawful orders included regulations that prohibited the copying and dissemination of classified information. At the very least, he disobeyed orders.

That said, I see the whole thing as an extension of the general policy of Americans to blame someone else for any and every problem. How so? The politicians, brass hats, and other originators of all the leaked documents, videos, and suchlike, transmitted their information in the clear. One of the first principles of OpSec is that there are no secure networks. Had they (the hats & suits) never heard of encryption?

The whole bamn datch of them up and down the line made this possible. IF the investigators that cleared him for his EBI done their job properly, it wouldn't have happened. IF the document writers had modified their language, it wouldn't be a big deal. IF encryption had been used, wikileaks would have had nothing to feed on.

Hang 'em all as an object lesson in the wages of stupidity.