Originally Posted by Calvin
Originally Posted by Jeff_O
Yep, that's the one.

Reading his description of the how and why is nauseating.

Let me get this straight..

Jeff O is being critical of someone who shot a deer in the ass.

You couldn't make this stuff up.


Yep. I am. And if you had a non-biased bone in your Stick-worshipping body you'd see there's a world of difference between screwing up, copping to it, lamenting the massive loss of meat and extra suffering for the animal....

VERSUS, shooting a deer through the hams on purpose, with a bullet you yourself recently said requires a strong stomach if you hit anywhere other than behind the shoulder, and then bragging about this horrific and blatantly wasteful act on a public forum.

He only gets a pass because guys like you are so far up his butt that you think the weather outside is brown, with smelly clouds. grin

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