There were things that I wanted to do and I did them. I had very little money, but where there is a will, there is a way. I was younger in those days. In the 60's I watched Alaskan hunting movies and decided that is what I wanted to do. In 1972, I was 20 years old and a junior in college, I worked seven twelve's working road construction in Yellowstone Park, quit on August 15 th and left for Alaska two days later. I had five hundred and fifty two dollars and was gone 28 days, hunted for several weeks, chartered a PA 14 on floats and got a caribou. A small cow, but I went the distance, a distance that 99% of the American hunters could not or will not do. They are afraid. I returned to Missoula with $32 in time for fall classes. I get things done. Two years later with a degree, I spent the next 4 years there. Then the next year backpacking around the world.

I have the pictures and trophies.