Originally Posted by Swampman700
Nothing has changed at Remington the quality is fine. Marlin is owned by Remington and not Cerberus/Freedom Group. Marlin quality fell off beacuse most of the old employees wouldn't move.

My Swamp brother...lemme try to connect the dots for you. Cerberus owns Freedom Group. Freedom Group owns Remmie, and others as well. Remmie owns Marlin. If A = B, and B = C, then A = C.


"Firearms - Acquired Bushmaster Firearms, Inc., from Windham, Maine native Dick Dyke for an undisclosed sum in April 2006, and purchased Remington Arms in April 2007. Under Cerberus direction, Bushmaster Firearms acquired Cobb Manufacturing, a well-respected manufacturer of large-caliber tactical rifles in August 2007. Cerberus also acquired DPMS Panther Arms December 14, 2007.[28][29] Remington Arms acquired Marlin Firearms in January 2008. [30][31] In October 2009, Remington Military products acquired silencer manufacturer Advanced Armament Corporation.[32] These companies were combined into the Freedom Group."

And yes, there have been reports of QC issues at Remington since Cerberus/Freedom Group acquired them. I'm as sorry to hear that as you are, but it is what it is.

Last edited by DELGUE; 07/13/11.

Exquisitely turdlike in all of his many manifestations!!

Resist much - obey little. Hayduke lives!

"30-06 guys don't worry about schit 'cause 30-06 guys don't worry....." 16bore

~Molɔ̀ːn Labé Skýla~