Funny, and pathetic too, that you call Remingtons response to a media hit job propaganda yet say nothing about the motives, agenda, or propaganda put out by the other side.

Your talking about the Walker trigger (RWT)whether you know it or not CCCC.
And how the hell do you expect Remington to fix the Walker trigger without merely replacing it with an inferior X-Mark Pro?

The alleged "problem" is inherent in the RWT and nothing short of replacing it will remove that offensive connector bar.

The RWT has been on all 700s (and 721's 722's 725's M7's and others) from intro in 1962 to sometime in the 90's when they replaced it with the first X-mark trigger.
That is a whole lot of guns!

BTW Steelhead is not a gunsmith but is instead a vastly experienced hunter and rifleman.

The Chosin Few November to December 1950, Korea.
I'm not one of the Chosin Few but no more remarkable group of Americans ever existed.