As mentioned above, I have three partners that have worked out for over 30 yrs, and I got invited into their camp. We are a serious lot with similar economic status and available time. Each has some specific talent or resource that contribute to camp life (cooking, game handling, horse wrangling, or specialized equipment) to elevate the entire experience.

Things happen when and where stated. If departure time is 05:00, that is when everyone leaves. Not 5 before or 5 after. If one is late, he understands he will drive himself and catch up. When it's a 2 week hunt, we are in camp and/or helping others for 2 weeks even if one tags out the first day. On mega trips we share all expenses.

If one invites another on say a week long fishing trip, we typically share food costs. When I invite someone along, it means I'm going whether they go or not, and there's no reason for them to chip in on transportation etc. We weeded one out, because he was a book keeping freak. He'd offer up an unsolicited cigar or drink, and then want to be compensated at the end of the trip.

We've extended half a dozen invitations over the years (including a couple sons), but none have worked out. Some can't stand being out of touch, and have to call wives or keep up on 49er's games. Others want to be boated or packed out as soon as they tag out, usually costing another party member a day of hunting/fishing time and screwing up menu planning and shared costs. And the absolute worst, have showed up next season on their own with 3 or 4 of their friends. That can bring out hatred on my part.

Typically we can shake out an individual with a one or two day outing, but on the front end it's anyones guess. Folks are not really true to form until one gets them out there. Lastly, hunters only make up about 10% of the population. Probably only 1 or 2% of those would make suitable partners for an extended trip. A forum like this or a local club are likely the best spots to get around a number of like minded individuals. Ones odd are not too great in church, on the links, or at little league.

Last edited by 1minute; 03/16/12.
