Originally Posted by IndyCA35
I would like to apologize to GeorgeL, GaryO, and JJ Hack for insensitively implying you were crybabies. It never occurred to me my comments would be taken that way though I can see now how they could be.

I have the greatest respect for small business, having operated one for many years and sold it in 2007, after growing it substantially. People ask me how I had the foresight to sell it then. Well, it was pure luck.

Rather I am P.O.ed at all the whining among the Republicans about how this election means we are doomed, must change our principles, etc. You three gentlemen were not among the whiners.

Good luck with your businesses. I think this too will pass. Right now, at least around here, everything seems to be on hold pending the tax cliff resolution or lack thereof. People do not fear what they know will happen but rather what they don't know will happen. My own PH in Zimbabwe, whom I hunted with in 2011, is in the same boat as JJ.

I too fear for my children and grandchildren.

All any of us can do is tough it out but apply pressure so that the Republicans in the House don't "go wobbly" on us.

I'm sorry you're struggling through the Bush/Obama recession. Though I didn't hear any of you crying when George W Bush got elected, and we went from a 280 billion dollar surplus to a a 180 billion deficit in one year (before 9/11)! Neither did I hear any republicans crying about the deficit as they signed one national debt increase after another without a sound during the Bush administration. We went from creating 20 million jobs during 8 years of Clinton to 2 million during 8 years of Bush. Hate to confuse anyone with facts though ... I'm not an Obama fan, but I'd vote for Clinton (Bill) for president again in a heartbeat. I thing we should accelerate over the fiscal cliff, raise taxes for everyone, reform entitlements, leave sequestration in place and balance the budget and then pass a balanced budget amendment. We should try living within our means for once. The economy will recover over time and be stronger than ever.

Last edited by colorado; 12/08/12.



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Ghost And The Darkness