Originally Posted by Birdwatcher
I'd guess she's great in bed, dunno if I'm missing the point grin

Otherwise she was OK until the end where she talked about getting out of her student debt without paying it. Can't abide folks who wont live up to their word. I'd still do her tho.

He was cultured and polite in a way guys generally forget to be nowadays.

New Zealand has year-long working holiday visas? Cool.

I wonder if Australia does that too.


We get a lot of people from over all over the world working here on visas, I believe that those who work here for an extended period have to work in a rural location for a period of time to meet the conditions on their visas, except Kiwis as they are pretty much Aussies anyway...our lot can come and go as we like if we are not career crooks.

This morning there were four 18yo European lass' sitting in the gutter of the hotel across the road, they were waiting for a local shearing contractor to pick them up for work to start at 7.30 am...at 9.45 am they were still sitting in the gutter waiting.
I could have told them that they will only get to work for that prick if they put out, and then they would be pushing [bleep] up hill to get their money out of him.

They obviously have no idea what the work entails, if they had they would have declined the offer.

These are my opinions, feel free to disagree.