Originally Posted by RISJR
Originally Posted by brianmac
If you've got any questions on NZ ask away I'll try and answer them


Brian...Thank you.

If you could give me the straight up on crime, Americans being able to work, export/import, the value of American dollar long-term,the cost of housing,food and clothing etc.,I'd appreciate it. I've read forums involving folks from all over the world who've lived there and without question,every one speaks of it's beauty and the good folks who live there. Hell, I'd love to spend a month there each year. But,it seems if you're a outsider coming into the country,prospects for long term comfort and financial stability might be a troubling goal.

Below lies a few of those forum posts. I realize there are simply some disgruntled folks who choose to bitch regardless so I'll just give you a few comments which caught my attention as far as my life would be concerned. The beauty of your country and the opportunities for a outdoorsman isn't even at issue. It's a given, imo. Picking between NZ and Australia would be tough for any US city goat roper, such as myself,so you given this US city boy the straight up is sincerely appreciated.

If you could either verify or refute the above and respond to those comments below, you'd be owed a favor I'd gladly repay some day.

You should pick NZ, we have enough opinionated parasitic solicitor filth here as it is.

These are my opinions, feel free to disagree.