I think a guy ought to use whatever he pleases regarding caliber/cartridge selection for general BG hunting, far as I know there are no rules. I have experience with 300 magnums of various forms and like them a lot. I don't currently use them much because as I age recoil has become an issue for me. I've tried to like the .338, but I just don't see where it fits. A 300mag is plenty of gun for our biggest cud chewers and in my opinion a little light for the really big bad stuff. So from the 300's I go to the 375H&H which is a fine bone cruncher with very little more recoil than the 338 with its heaver bullets. So if I'm going to put up with a lot of recoil it'll be with one of the all time greats, the .375H&H.

Last edited by super T; 04/04/13.