Brent, I don't want to rehash my woes trying paper on the Shiloh ..40-65. Long story short, after buying this paper and that paper to produce the perfect wrap, my best results came with kitchen parchment and (as bad as I hate to admit it) newsprint. Greasers win hands down, but I detest the grime they attract. Likewise, I have a bias against tapered bullets.

I will take your advice with the No. 1. After reversing bullets to check permissible length, I surmised that I was up against another frustration. I'm not a target shooter, beyond load development, and no longer have an interest in competition. I just want to hunt a little, and that requires unloading sometimes. It irritates me to no end when the lightly seated bullet sticks in the lands? Maybe I am expecting too much.

None the less, I'm too old to,sweat the small stuff. I will give it a go! Jack

"Do not blame Caesar, blame the people...who have...rejoiced in their loss of freedom....Blame the people who hail him when he speaks of the 'new, wonderful, good, society' mean , fatly at the expense of the industrious." Cicero