Originally Posted by mirage243
Originally Posted by R_H_Clark

Did I miss the camp area selected?

Same question here, I saw two different campsites listed on the website.

Heya fellas!

No, you didn't miss anything as we're still trying to select an actual site. With RVs Things get a little more complicated only because each campsite has it's own rules and regulations.

Some won't be open, others don't allow firearms. So, we're still working this out so that there no hiccups.

I've been in touch with the local wardens there so if anyone has any questions that you'd like run by them for any reason I'm more than happy to ask. Our, I can give you their contact info.

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." - John Adams

Turdlike, by default.