Originally Posted by TAGLARRY
What is the percentage of bad cops? I would bet it is the same as the percentages of bad lawyers, bad doctors, bad bartenders...........

The issue isn't that the percentage of bad cops is any higher than any other profession but that the percentage of cops who will not turn in a bad cop is extremely high. As a new CO many long years ago, I watched a truly bad officer get away with policy violations innumerable times. Senior and higher ranking officers just shrugged when I brought it to their attention and pretty much ignored me. He eventually got caught up in something he knew he couldn't get out of and quit before he was fired. He should have been fired for any of his offenses and I certainly didn't make any friends for my efforts to call his behavior to question.

Seems most cops would rather turn a blind eye to a bad cops deeds than to be labeled a snitch.


Chronographs, bore scopes and pattern boards have broke a lot of hearts.