Well I gotta tell you, when I asked what I thought was a simple question about having a knife category I never imagined it would cause such an uproar. It wasn't a bitch, complaint, etc but merely a question to see how others felt about this topic. Based on the fact that the knifemakers themselves responded that they would like a separate category, I don't think it was that crazy of a question.

Since it's been a full day since the post, I went through each response to tally up the yeas and nays. We all know this isn't a democracy and it's Rick's call on what happens here but if nothing else, the numbers should give a good indicator of how members feel about the question that was posed.

Knifemakers - 100% said they would like to have a knives classifieds.

Classifieds Forum Users
53% said leave it as is
20% would like a knife category
27% either had no opinion or is was hard to figure out where they stood.

Thanks for the responses. I do want to apologize for putting the post in the actual Classifieds Forum. Not sure if should have gone in the Hunter's Campfire or Miscellaneous but one of the two.