Originally Posted by Take_a_knee
I'm sorry,it was really rude of me to suggest a program to others that would improve every human biometric......

No, the rude part was when you said I was "bloviating about something you are clueless of."

The subject is training for backpack hunting, I was just trying to get you back on track, so you could talk about backpack hunting. For a change.

Originally Posted by Take_a_knee
So your vaunted trainer has you doing Crossfit workouts, but I'm an azzwipe for suggesting Crossfit? Got it. Pardon the F outta me.

GFY Smoke

Actually, I've worked with a number of different trainers including a power lifter who's held state records, and guy working on his MS in exercise physiology who made the Denver Broncos practice squad as a defensive end, and signed with the Bills this year. He could squat more than 500. The salient point is, I've been working out in the gym for years now, unlike the OP.

If you go back and read his post, he's at least 60 and getting back into shape. So no, I did not recommend crossfit. Come to think of it, neither did the power lifter or the D-lineman, the crossfit was with another guy.

A wise man is frequently humbled.