Originally Posted by Wtxj
They just moved on to another small town.

But I do think the old boy was just looking for something to incite the locals. I also think the OP is not this guy. Will have to wait for OP to reply to that.
You get stopped in Tx. your going to be asked for your ID.
The Leo's stop for a welfare check on the side of the road, they are going to ask for an ID.
They will run you thru the system. Get lots of peoples with warrants that way.

It is just as plain as can be that this guy set those cops up. I'm sure that he could have chosen another route instead of choosing to go thru Electra just to stir up trouble. They should have ransacked his car, had it towed, and forced his wife to spend the night on the street while they threw this trouble maker in the can for a few days so they would have time to really check him out. She even could have had to do some time for loitering. And that chief was stupid for telling the truth about how things are done around there.

Bet this guy had been planning this trap for a long time. He had to know when the cops would be out of the coffee shop patrolling in the area he picked. They should have never let him go!

The Mayans had it right. If you�re going to predict the future, it�s best to aim far beyond your life expectancy, lest you wind up red-faced in a bunker overstocked with Spam and ammo.