Originally Posted by captchee
So if now isn�t the time to use the 2nd amendment right , when . When the fed breaks into your home ?
Ohh wait that�s happening , but it wasn�t the time .
When the fed appoints people instead of the public electing them ?? Oh wait nope sorry , that wasn�t the time eather .
Maybe when they pass laws or ignore laws without going through the correct process . Wait that wasn�t the time either .
When they come for your guns ?? Nope sorry that happening to . But still not the time .
??/ how about when they come for you and openly attack your family and your beliefs and then take your kids , would that be the time ?? Appears not .
As to taxs , do you realize that some of us here have or had parents who never paid taxs because there wasn�t any IE no fedrial tax at all .

Also some seem to be confused about what a grazing right is . It doesn�t mean you own the land . It just means you have the right to graze your animals on it

As to the BLM protecting your lands because they are a federal government vs. a state government . that�s BS . Here the BLM and USFS do more to keep people off the land then the state ever did . When that land goes to sale , its not some blow joe that buys it either . Its large corporations and foreign governments . They gave away our national parks long ago to UN oversight . don�t forget that EVER.

ohh an no this isnt another wounded Knee or sand creek . nothing like it and a completely different situation.
yet on the other hand , the very same things are happening to you all , in the very same way as it happened to the AI people in this country and just like my ancestors, your more then likely going to find out your well past the time of standing up and fighting . Remember it wasn�t the time

Well hell, talk is cheap. If you think it's time to enact the 2nd then leaked the charge!

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." - John Adams

Turdlike, by default.