Originally Posted by ingwe
Originally Posted by George_De_Vries_3rd
Originally Posted by ingwe
Any idiot rat bastid that puts beans in chili!

Chili to me has! beans in it; always has. Is this a regional thing?

Yeah George��lots of Americans put beans in chili, but as it originated it had no beans, and to this day many chili cookoffs will run you out of town on a rail if you put a bean in it�..

Its a Campfire thing too�..we shun, ostracize, criticize, taunt, and make sport of those who insist on putting beans in their chili.

However, on a related topic, ice in whiskey is OK��... whistle

Originally chilly was invented on cattle drives where there was no refrigeration. The meat would start to turn before you could eat a whole cow so the cooks threw in some chilies to mask the flavor of tainted meat. Beans were added later when there was not enough meat on a lean table. So if you are going to be a purest with your chili you have to let the meat spoil befor you make it.

I would rather have beans.

The first time I shot myself in the head...

Meniere's Sucks Big Time!!!