In my opinion alot more people are dead BECAUSE of our system than despite it.

My opinion is very biased based on my recent experiences but there are huge issues that any thinking person should be able to see.

How much does it cost for an emergency room visit?

How much does it cost to get a vaccination at your dr's office( if you are lucky enough to have one)

How much of my paycheck sinks into the bottomless pit of healthcare? 10% 40%?

How is it that when I go into any hospital I can see a group of 5 or 6 nurses chatting about the days events? Who's in charge?

Why are people waiting a year or more for a MRI? I can drive to buffalo and get one tomorrow. It costs $465 in the horrible american system that draws gasp of horror when mentioned here north of the border.

Why can't I get a second opinion on whats wrong with me or my loved ones if I don't agree with a diagnosis here.

Why do I see signs for "emergency room service in 15minutes or less" as I drive down I75 when I know I'm in for a 7-9HOUR wait if I go to my local hospital?

Why do I have friends that are suffering for years with bad knee's and hips before they can get replacements. Some of them are literally dying before my eyes due to bad knee's. One friend who used to be very active can barely walk some days, so he doesn't, but he still eats so he has put on 50lbs in the last 2 years now his knees are under more pressure from the extra weight, he is in constant pain so he has a never ending supply of opiates (OXY-codeine I think). Now he has blood sugar problems too- no doubt because of his weight gain, but he can't/won't exercise because of his knee pain. I have told him over and over again to just go get it done somewhere/anywhere. Who cares what is costs- he's going to die from it if he doesn't get it done...but he still waits for our system that he has so much faith in... he's 60. He's worked his whole life as a machinist/tool and die maker (a damn good one too!) How much has he paid into the system over the years just to have it kill him over a knee replacement?

The nurses and doctors unions are way stronger and more opaque than any other public sector union- I hear people bitching about teachers all the time but nary a word about nurses or dr's. Do you think that there is any kind of repercussions for being a substandard DR? Do you think that there is ever a review of their skills or abilities?