Originally Posted by rost495
Originally Posted by goalie
Electric cars must be a "hoax" too then.

Almost all new technology is cost-prohibitive at start-up.

Fracking has been around so long, if it was a hoax, it would have imploded long ago.

If it ruined water wells and blew fire out of my sink faucet, that would have happened in the 70s as we've had wells at least since then and even before that in the area. And they've never quit, the wells that is.

I can tell you this much RE does it work or not.

Wells have to be X feet apart and off property lines. I'm not sure of what those distances are these days as they have changed at least a few times IIRC.

We had an existing well. X pressure... fairly consistent as it was not brand new.

Drilled a well on the neighbors land. It came in and was producing. They often did that for a bit, to see, and at times frack crews were hard to come by. So it produced for a bit of time, I don't recall the exact amount of time, and our well was fine.

We were curious since it was basically across the fence the minimum distance.

Then what I think was a few months later they cleaned the well and brough in a crew to frack it. They did that, and the production upped a fair amount. But in the process, ours basically died the day they brought the well back on line after the frack.

Took a bit of time, I don't recall exactly, but then it was amazing, the pressures between the two wells almost exactly equalized themselves. And both were producing and as far as I know, are today a bit too. Dno't have the close relations with the neighbors we used to as the folks died adn the kids are way off, but I do get a bit of info from time to time.

Close enough, of an example of one, to tell me fracking works.

And if they ever frack ours, and the production ramps up I"d expect to double verify it works.

This will shut Browneye up.
He can't refute real life experiences but I bet that he's Googleing his ass off trying to prove you wrong Jeff.
TRH is a boil on the Campfire's ass.

I'm a big fan of the courtesy flush.