Originally Posted by Middlefork_Miner
Originally Posted by Barak
Originally Posted by Middlefork_Miner
Originally Posted by Barak

The assertion that he was injured by Michael Brown before he shot him may or may not be true; based on the evidence I've seen, I choose until further notice to believe that it is not.

Off topic, but I'd really be interested in the recidivism rate of your Kairos group...

Based on research over the last 20 years--may be 25 by now--the five-year recidivism rate varies between 5 and 7 percent. As opposed to 65-70% for ex-offenders in general. It's not secret: look it up.

I did...& guess what? Your number are low, even by Kairos own reports. All I can find are "studies" provided BY Kairos & their affiliates...kind of like asking Al Sharpton if he's prejudiced...

Probably should have been more specific.

The study I saw years ago was regarding ex-offenders who had stayed involved with Kairos (as measured by a particular metric that is perfectly clear if you're involved with Kairos but takes some explaining I don't have time to do now if you're not) for the five years the recidivism was measured over.

Regardless of the actual numbers, though, it's clear that if Kairos is in your state, it's wise for you to support it even if you don't believe in God, simply for the tax money it saves you.

Gotta scram--to a Kairos team meeting, believe it or not.

"But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain--that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case, it is unfit to exist." --Lysander Spooner, 1867