I do not want, let alone demand anything from you, and least of all your respect. You come in here posting a bunch of utter garbage finishing advice and send lots of folks off on all sorts of bad roads.

BLO is, was, and forever shall be junk as a quality stock finish. Your comments show you failed to notice the very obvious...

Any interior blended finish such as Minwax Antique oil, Danish oils, and such are light years away from Tru-Oil. Your suggestion on the compositions of them are not close and miss the big issues. They will blotch and badly when used in bad weather.

You suggest maximizing penetration by thinning with a solvent. You obviously have never done it on a test board and then cut the board in half to see how much deeper it didn't take the finish. I have many times just to show what happens.

You obviously do not understand what happens to the finish as the solvents leave either.

I do not have to post opinion as I can rely on facts. When it is an opinion I note the fact.

If you do a search you should find lots of examples of finish suggestions I have made. There are lots of choices in finishes and opinions about which is best for a given set of circumstances. As long as the underlying facts about a particular finish are true and understood they may be chosen by opinion based on those facts.

There are several other folks here that have a very good handle on finishing and give outstanding advice. And there are plenty of the clueless sort that continue to fail to understand.

Mark Begich, Joaquin Jackson, and Heller resistance... Three huge reasons to worry about the NRA.