Originally Posted by BOWSINGER

First, ISIS , now called Islamic State, seems to be very well organised.

Second, it may well be the closest thing to a pure terrorist government in this War on Terrorism. At least first on the list.
Help the Kurds form their own government after their boots on the ground and our air power take out the 15 to 30,000 ISIS bad guys. That is doable.

And give the rest of the radical Muslins in the other Muslim countries something to think about if they know the new American administration is not messing around. Those days would be over.

Third, we are not at war with most Muslins, just the bad guys. About one billion Muslins live in places like Indonesia, Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh.
Some few of them are bad guys, but most of the bad guys show up in places where they see US as weakest. As losers.
These are tough bad guys and the only thing they respect is someone who is tougher.

If we could use Muslins boots on the ground to defeat the Muslin bad guys.
The message would be loud and clear.
The Kurds have been wanting to do that for a long time in what they call their country and await the weapons we promised them a long time ago.

Where is this Islamic State located? Where's it's capital?

As far as ending terrorism that will never happen. Eliminating ISIS merely means a whole new organization. Then what? The crusaders tried eliminating Muslims at couldn't do it and I doubt we can do it.

And then there's the blow back. How do we deal with the blow back and there will be blow back. For every action there is a re-action.

Don't vote knothead, it only encourages them. Anonymous

"Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups." Anonymous

"Self-reliance, free thinking, and wealth is anathema to both the power of the State and the Church." Derby Dude