Time for a reality check.
S.L.A. Marshall was a goon in many respects but did say something profound and timeless. It describes the formula for winning a war.

National population+national wealth X national will = victory.

In the absence of quality leadership that would produce national unity equal to waging total war, even our military would be wasted, again.

With strong leadership we could:
1. seal the borders
2.assign a national priority to energy independence.
3.support only those that share our values w/ food, energy and money
4.Follow the money and eliminate those that profit from our problems
i.e. Cartel leaders and Saudi sheiks.
5. Let the dune coons eat sand.
6.Turn the assets now directed to 3 letter agencies to cyber warfare
before the azzholes do it to us.

mike's formula to protect my grandkids who will be high information voters that know how to fight.

mike r

Don't wish it were easier
Wish you were better

Stab them in the taint, you can't put a tourniquet on that.
Craig Douglas ECQC