Originally Posted by BudLightyear
Of course if we go after the Mosques it just enrages them further and then they go after our Capital, Washington monument, White House, Wall Street, New York, LA, Houston, etc...out come the nukes, bio, chemical stuff and most Americans won't have the resolve to deal with it, to keep up the fight, and so will easily give up.

They just ratchet it up a notch and it's hard to see where it will end.

I think we have to do something...but very difficult to know where and whose ass to kick.


That's just it, you don't "go for the mosques" per se. You start by grabbing a few leaders. Do not kill them right away. Death is a blessing to them so you must publicly humiliate their leaders whenever the terrorists attack western interests. And gradually ramp up the public discomfort and humiliation to the point where, if needed, then take out that guy and move to the next leader you've grabbed.

You make it clear that the mosques are in the force continuum. If taking out their leadership in a humiliating fashion and not allowing them to have a martyred death isn't enough to get the animals under control, then make it very clear that we will destroy one of the 3 holiest mosques if anything else escalates and move right down the line.

I agree no one in leadership has the stomach to handle any of this. But I disagree that these mosques should be taken off the table because of what retribution might occur. Reality is, they are working on striking all the things you mentioned originally. It is puerile to think that we can't attack what is most sacred to those that are sworn to not only defeat us, but kill us all simply because we are better than that. Malarkey! O-man said it himself, "they bring a knife, you bring a gun."

Montana MOFO