I've had/have every chambering cited and had 'em all out on the same day,to let others extrapolate,more than a schit load of times. Of course,have had lotsa others out at the same time too. A jaunt often includes dozens of platforms(understatement).

There is NOT a single kid on the Planet,who's going to walk past a Montucky 223,to get to anything else thus far mentioned(Krunchentickers do appeal,but have yet to be cited,yet pale to the Montucky). A lopped/chopped(LOP shortened and barrel nipped to 20") Sporter 77/22 Hornet/K-Hornet is a perpetual Crowd Pleaser,but the Montucky STEALS the Show. Hint.

Again,it's ALL about round count and the "luck" that trigger time reaps,like NO other ingredient in the Terminal Equation. Simply THE dumbest pfhuqqing schit I've ever heard,to slip a kid schit riggin' and make them suffer same as some "trick" to arrange "proficiency". It ain't pfhuqqing happening.

Let a kid slam some 600yd clay birds with same and a Deer Tag is punched,before the shooting even starts.


Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."