While these are similar in ways they are still miles apart as application methods, which is the point with my suggestion.

BLO is junk for finish...

The concept of starting with straight spar varnish and adding oil to refill the container is so the make-up of the finish will change gradually as you get closer to the surface.

Being well past the days of expensive finish oil, application with a heavy hand, allowing it to dry and wiping dry is hugely easier than the above methods.

Adding a top coat of oil works on most varnishes, but not all. It would be a shame to go through a bunch of work just to find out it does not work...

The method I detailed I believe was unique at the time my father started using it, significantly more than 30 years ago. He changed to epoxy base coats before the oil in spar varnish article was published.

Mark Begich, Joaquin Jackson, and Heller resistance... Three huge reasons to worry about the NRA.