WyoCoyoteHunter: I do not have a 2,015 Weapons Collectors Society of Montana gunshow calendar as yet but in 2,014 there in Great Falls, Montana our association sponsored a 200 table gunshow in March and then in late April they sponsored a 600 table gunshow at the same venue.
I would expect the same come 2,015.
The Weapons Collectors Society of Montana has a web site under that name and I am sure in a month or two (if not already happened) they will have a 2,015 schedule for your perusal.
"They" say that Montana is the cheapest state in the union for a non-resident to Hunt waterfowl!
I think all you need is a state waterfowl stamp/license and a Federal stamp which most bird Hunters already have.
I am not sure about the Montana non-resident upland bird licensing needs.
Good luck with your dogs this fall.
Hold into the wind