Yay!! You guys must please, please, keep it up and keep reporting- for I am truly hunting vicariously through you all this year. Sitting here unable to jump into the bird hunting of Indian Summer is a cruelty unimagined by even the Marquis DeSade.

I'm actually a little teary-eyed with happiness seeing y'all posing with birds/dogs/and fine shotguns.

This was the time of year my old Pop's and I would set aside our differences and sally forth with shotguns in hand to shoot birds and mend fences. One of many reasons this weather fills me with sentimental longings.

Just promise me y'all won't take that sweet path toward Tinkhamtown anytime soon!

Shoot straight!!!

"You can lead a man to logic, but you cannot make him think." Joe Harz
"Always certain, often right." Keith McCafferty