I haven't hunted birds in a few years since both my English Setters passed on. I finally picked me up a new pup in early September of this year. He is a Llewellin Setter and will be 4 months old at the end of this month. He is showing all the signs of being bred to hunt. I have been spending most of the last 2 months working on obedience training. I have introduced him to the gun and he shows no signs of being gun shy. He sticks right with us when we are shooting clay pigeons and naps at my feet when I am shooting rifles and handguns.
Just wish we had some pheasants around to see how he would do on birds. May end up taking him to a shooting preserve later this fall to introduce him to birds.
Hopefully, next fall he will be ready for some Northern Michigan grouse and woodcock. And the Ruger Red Label 28 gauge is all set to go. I had some pretty good coverts to hunt with my other English Setters and hopefully they will still be productive.

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To sit back hoping that someday, someway, someone will make things right is to go on feeding the crocodile, hoping he will eat you last--but eat you he will. Ronald Regan.

NRA Life Member, US Army Veteran