Originally Posted by Sako
The catholic Church has always been about money.... They think if they let them in and "accept their money - ugh I mean Them" that they will gain more members than they lose...

never had any respect for the catholic church after seeing some of the most ornate gold filled churches in south America and seeing the people around it living in such poor conditions and filth... they care about them selves... not the people.

What do you expect from a group of people who put up with child molesters

I've yet to find a church that exists without money.

I've also yet to meet a person that was molested in a Catholic church, not saying it ain't happened, just ain't met one.

I HAVE met a few that have been molested by Baptist deacons. I also know of the churches that have kept it quite.

Here's a hint, if a church is made of people, they ALL have their bad apples.

"Dear Lord, save me from Your followers"