Originally Posted by Sako
Do not forget that Jesus told the woman at the well that she was forgiven and to go and sin no more.... The homosexuals do not like the last part... We all should try everyday to do what is right and to not sin.... the Homosexuals do not want to do that.. they want to keep right on doing each other

So have you stopped sinning...or do you continue to sin...? If you've completely stopped, then 'bravo'. If you continue to sin though, why is your continuation to sin less bad than a homosexuals continuation to sin...? Are you just as bothered by drunks who continue to drink, or liars who continue to lie, or those who use profanity who continue to use profanity....? Are entire threads (thread after thread after thread) devoted to the sins of drunkeness, lying, or profanity...? And why are you so bothered by homosexuals who "want to keep right on doing each other" in the first place...?

Every day on this side of the ground is a win.