Originally Posted by antlers

So have you stopped sinning...or do you continue to sin...? If you've completely stopped, then 'bravo'. If you continue to sin though, why is your continuation to sin less bad than a homosexuals continuation to sin...? Are you just as bothered by drunks who continue to drink, or liars who continue to lie, or those who use profanity who continue to use profanity....?

Because not all sins are equal in seriousness.
Are you here to tell us that stealing a nickel stick of gum is as serious a sin as cheating on your wife?


Are entire threads (thread after thread after thread) devoted to the sins of drunkeness, lying, or profanity...? And why are you so bothered by homosexuals who "want to keep right on doing each other" in the first place...?

Maybe because it's not in the bedroom anymore - it's in the news on a daily basis. Maybe because we don't have D.A.M.M. (Drunks Against Mad Mothers) but we do have GLAAD. Maybe because we don't read about liars demanding the right to commit fraud. Oh, wait, that last one is talked about ALL THE TIME!

Islam is a terrorist organization.