Originally Posted by Snyper
That big Injun on Yukon Men said he cures parvo in his sled dogs with bleach.

And yet non of the Vets in the whole world have been able to figure it out

Get real

I've told two vets -NOT SMALL ANIMAL DOCTORS [there's a big difference] - and both said the same thing:

They would never recommend it, but would definitely use it if their personal dog got Parvo.

The "treatment" has been around [at least] since a big Parvo outbreak in Texas in the 'sixties. Vets advised disinfecting with bleach to avoid spreading the virus to other dogs. An old Houndman in Central Texas figured if bleach killed the virus OUTSIDE the animal, it ought to do it inside the stomach as well.

You really could benefit from learning which posters talk out their ass, or post straight from google, and those of us who post from experience.

Never holler whoa or look back in a tight place