Late to this thread but growing up on a farm, I know that lots of things work that you would not expect. Bleach on a wasp sting will stop the swelling and the pain and was always used by my mother for such. It is also good to put on chiggers when you get them. Personally, I trust old cattle and dog men more than Vets, unless you need an operation performed. The main problem with the ones not Vets, is they can't get the medical supplies that they want. I am not specifically knocking Vets but even MD's can't help you most times unless you tell them what you have. I could cure myself on most things if the drug store would sell me the medicine without a prescription. Now I think there is a place for both MD's and Vets but it should not be in small everyday things that most could do themselves if given a chance. If I have a sick dog that I think is Parvo, I will try Gene's cure, if I can remember it. miles

Look out for number 1, don't step in number 2.