Originally Posted by Snyper
But we didn't have idiots with no manners who claimed a man hadn't seen what he saw, or do what he did.

You did it, you saw it , but you misinterpreted the results

The Vets both told you:

I've told two vets -NOT SMALL ANIMAL DOCTORS [there's a big difference] - and both said the same thing:

They would never recommend it

If they REALLY believed it would work, they'd tell the whole world.

You must think the other readers are as dumb as you..... they read my entire post, not the part you highlighted. THEY WOULD USE IT ON THEIR OWN PETS.

And many knew that the IVOMEC for cattle that we injected at one cc per 100 lbs bodyweight each month was effective against heartworms and controlled ticks and fleas, but until Heartguard was approved, they mostly kept silent.

Except Arch Andrews. He had a farmer call me one time about a case of mange he had in some Rat Terriers. Arch couldn't tell him to use the same IVOMEC that he used on his cows, but knew that I would.

The mange cleared right up and the guy gave my daughter one of the pups.

A lot of Small Animal Doctors know that if they diagnose ANY case of diarrhea as "possibly Parvo", they have a license to steal. If it's not, and the dog recovers, they're a hero. If the dog dies, several dollars later, well, that's just to be expected.

Never holler whoa or look back in a tight place