Originally Posted by Snyper
What this story really boils down to is whether or not the Gov't can force you to betray your God and worship at their alter instead.

They knew the rules before they went into the business
They still can choose not to perform the weddings

What they can not do is pick and choose their customers

Key word there, in bold. If marriage is for sale, expect the usual government interference. We all went along with it as long as "the usual" didn't offend us. Now....not so much.

Heard this gem in church today...

"The Church should spend less time defending it's institutions, and more time just being The Church."

Context....What The Church does for others as representatives of Christ is more important than the preservation of it's traditions.

My position is if we all did so, the issue in the OP would not have any effect on us.

Lunatic fringe....we all know you're out there.