Executive Order, I have seen it used in the past of course but on issues of a much smaller magnitude than Obama is using them for.

Giving people immunity from the crime they have committed, aka illegal�s, takes it to a higher level of use, so much so I wonder where does it end?

What�s to stop Obama, or any President for that matter, to simply pay no attention to how Congress votes and pass every item on their personal agenda via Executive order?

Where does it end? What are the rules governing Executive Orders as I can�t seem to find any?

What if Obama makes an Executive Order tomorrow banning all guns?

The Supreme Court would back us up....really....what if they don�t?

Obama in the next two years could Executive Order this Country into oblivion?

Am I wrong here but I find myself sitting here thinking WTF is going on?

Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.
Thomas Jefferson