Originally Posted by Paradiddle
Originally Posted by GunGeek
Originally Posted by gitem_12
So Kevin, what exactly should our side compromise on?

Well this is just me, and I'm sure you guys will flame the hell out me for not towing the right wing line, but I don't much care.

Compromises from the right:
We need a guest worker program, a realistic one so a head of lettuce doesn't cost $10. We need a way where employers with illegals can work with ICE to make their workers legal. They don't have to be citizens, but we can make them legal.

It's completely unreasonable and logistically/financially impossible to deport 20 million illegal aliens; that's just a pipe dream of people who are pissed off (of which, I'm one of them, but I CAN be realistic). Republicans need to just drop that one no matter how pissed they are.

The border fence is a dip-chit feel-good idea that is the maximum dollar expenditure for the least return. There are much better ways to secure the border�hell, just let the border patrol do their job; that alone will get you 9/10ths of the way there.

There needs to be a path to citizenship, but it needs to be in a way that doesn't bump illegals ahead of those who have been trying to become a citizen LEGALLY. Stop welfare and medicaid, then require any illegal to get a job and spend X amount of years as a guest migrant worker before they're eligible for citizenship. Then require sponsorship from an employer/continuous employment for citizenship. It doesn't have to happen overnight (hell, how long they been here?), it can take a decade or more, but we need to work it out and get it done. This would be a good tit-for a secure our border tat.

Compromises from the left:

Let the border patrol do the their freaking jobs, and back them like we back out troops.

Illegal immigrants who commit felonies need to be immediately deported; every damn one of them! Again, doesn't have to happen overnight, but it needs to happen. And Mexico can kiss our collective arses.

At a very minimum, we need to suspend welfare and medicaid to illegal immigrants for 2-3 years while we create a migrant worker program with employer sponsorship. Personally I'd like to see it completely stopped, but I'd settle for a temporary suspension while we work chit out.

My plan is this:

You want to be a citizen - fine:

Cost - $20,000 PER citizenship paid over 15 years - automatically taken from check
Sign up and check in every 6 months with location, occupation, contact information, etc.
Work and have your employer deduct the Citizenship fee
ZERO felony convictions - one felony and you are out of the program and out of the country - must be CONVICTED felony and yes DUI counts

So - work, contribute to the country, pay your way, and stay out of trouble in 10 years you are a full blown citizen. Done.

I worked with a Canadian for year and it cost him almost $20K in lawyers, travel and forms to become an American citizen.

You cannot just kick them out - they are FAR to deep in our economy - it would literally cripple the nation, NOR can you just forgive the CRIME they are committing by being here AGAINST THE LAW.

Not having read further than this yet... this is an idea.

The green card issue is already there.

Some things need to be addressed, after all if you shut hte border years ago many of us would not be here.

But it should be controlled totally and all benefits taken away until full citizenhsip or at least some form of I"m almost there, has been completed.

No one gave my ancestors anything(heck they picked cotton with the blacks and the blacks even today get way more freebies than we never did....) THey worked to get where they are.

ALong with compromise on this issue, the issues of freebies for citizens needs to be addressed.

Used to be if you needed help what you got wasn't enough to live off of. I believe its more than sufficient these days. And if its not, lets make it so, for those even without kids. But they have to qualify. Drug testing. Public service in lieu of what you are getting, even if its just trash on the side of the road type of service. THen boost em up, but give em a time limit. 3-5 years max to stand up. Access em some job training, I did not say college, I said training.

And once off, then you have to be off for X years before you can apply again.

A LOT of things can be and shoudl be compromised to get to a better place.

But I have this side of me that says piss on em anyway, if htey wouldn't work with us, why should we with them.... but that will get us where we are currently...

We can keep Larry Root and all his idiotic blabber and user names on here, but we can't get Ralph back..... Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, over....