Originally Posted by 4ager
Sans fence, how do you insure a secure border?
The same way we have for the past 100 years, you let the Border Patrol do their freaking jobs, and you back them like we back our soldiers. You let them arrest, and you immediately deport.

There are 4 elements to securing anything, and a border fence is only one of those elements, and not really great at that.


Deter - A fence isn't much of a deterrence. An armed Border Patrolman certainly is.

Detect - Fences don't detect squat

Delay - This is the only thing it does, but the delay isn't sufficient to be effective, and if you read up on how the border fence has been working, you'll see it hasn't really been effective at all.

Respond - Fences don't respond, men do.

I'm not saying a fence is worthless, don't confuse what I'm saying. But a fence by itself just won't do the job. You need to get all the other elements in place before a fence really adds anything meaningful.

Look at Israel, they have all the elements and their fence has more tunnels under it than Vietnam had during the war.

Everyone here respects Patton, but won't heed his words about fixed fortifications.