Well this sort of thing is going to happen the longer you hunt, sounds like you gave it your best effort in trying to find the cow. The fact that it bothers you speaks well of you, I had a fellow on my property shoot a deer, claimed a big buck and well spent three days looking for it, lost the trail, a tracking dog would have done the trick, but the Nature of Deer hunting in Connecticut and trespass rules made a mess of the whole thing along with his poor shooting, should have never taken the shot in the first place, live and learn and he has not been on my ground since! This was dam near 30 years ago and it still bothers me to this day when I read your account, I remember my own, if it didn't bother me, it would be time to not hunt any more! You did fine in my opinion!

"Any idiot can face a crisis,it's the day-to-day living that wears you out."

Anton Chekhov