Originally Posted by Angus1895
I would suggest reflection on a hunting failure; if not to learn or help others learn from the mistake; is detrimental to the future success of the person that had the failure.....and most certainly detrimental to hunting as a whole ....especially using such a public domain medium. JOHN

I'd suggest that reflecting on one's failures is healthy and helps one avoid repeating them. And as you said above in your other post, failure equates to an animal suffering so I'd also suggest that the analogy of the pitcher is totally off-base because personally, I would not want to hunt with someone who didn't take time to reflect and ask himself a few hard questions when he wounds and loses an animal as valuable as an elk. But I would want a pitcher on my team who can "shake it off" without another thought.

As far as being detrimental to hunting as a whole, I think it's the opposite; it shows that hunters don't generally take this kind of thing lightly.

At least that's how I see it. And yes, the part about the pitcher being off-base was a pun, intended.

A wise man is frequently humbled.