"Pro staff doesn't start until next year when they want me to hunt for them......"

Yet you just denied ever being Pro Staff. Didn't you? Need we post a link to that also? My god man.

Then you state "I no longer do reviews for CVA but........"

Yet you continue to categorically deny EVER working for them or ever doing reviews for them. You need help son. You are unable to keep your lies in order.

He11, you didn't even shoot the mulie buck you posted the pics of in the other thread. But you sure tried to infer that you did laugh

Wait. Wait. I know. You are the victim, you have no idea why folks talk to you the way they do, and you are only here because you want to help others. Yeah, we all know that STORY.

Anyhoo, you go on and help all the poor lost souls here who have unfortunately purchased Inferior muzzleloaders, but please spare us the BS. Your character/opinions/reviews will NEVER not be in question around here, due to your compulsive lying.......